Category-2 Stoves

Stoves from this category are most suitable for restaurants. Learn more about this category of stoves in our official product Brochure

Click on the images to get a detailed view of each model and type of stove below

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Single-Eyed Burners

Model: L-2
Basic Burner having Diesel-cum-Gas run provision (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Lf-2
Basic Burner having Diesel-cum-Gas run provision (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Ld-2
Basic Burner Using Diesel or Gas alternately (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Ldf-2
Basic Burner using Diesel or Gas alternately (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: LG-2
Conventional basic Burner having provision of using only gas (NPG or LPG) (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: LGf-2
Conventional basic Burner having provision of using only gas (NPG or LPG) (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Dual-Eyed Burners

Model: K-2
Basic Burner having Diesel-cum-Gas run provision (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Kf-2
Basic Burner having Diesel-cum-Gas run provision (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Kd-2
Basic Burner Using Diesel or Gas alternately (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: Kdf-2
Basic Burner Using Diesel or Gas alternately (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: KG-2
Conventional basic Burner having provision of using only gas (NPG or LPG) (without use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD

Model: KGf-2
Conventional basic Burner having provision of using only gas (NPG or LPG) (with use of Fuel Filter)

Price: TBD